An unique savoir-faire

Un atelier d'orfèvre

A workshop with ancestral techniques

Based in the Paris region, Odiot workshop is where all design and production activities take place.

Today, as always, each piece of Odi­ot sil­ver­ware is hand­craft­ed with the same pas­sion and know-how that has stood the test of time. Odi­ot is one of the last French sil­ver­smiths to be able to pro­duce end-to-end gold pieces that require more than a hun­dred hours of spe­cial attention.

Renowned and recognized craftspersons 

Our work­shop is com­posed by a team of craftsper­sons with mul­ti­ple and cre­ative skills, endowed with an aes­thet­ic sense and high­ly spe­cial­ized in gold­smithing. They find their inspi­ra­tion in a col­lec­tion of draw­ings, some­times dat­ing back more than two cen­turies. The man­u­fac­ture of a piece of gold­smith’s work is a com­plex and labo­ri­ous process, requir­ing the inter­ven­tion of sev­er­al trades, includ­ing the Founder, the Glid­er, the Turn­er-Repeller, the Chis­el­er, the Gold­smith with ham­mer, the Fit­ter, the Pol­ish­er and the “Argen­tier-Doreur”.

Un Style unique

An unique style

In addi­tion to its famous hall­mark, proof of qual­i­ty and fideli­ty to our cen­turies-old tra­di­tions, a piece designed Odi­ot is rec­og­niz­able by its style: a skill­ful arrange­ment of sump­tu­ous dec­o­ra­tions, which pre­serves bal­ance and light­ness, in order to keep the inter­na­tion­al­ly known and rec­og­nized Odi­ot footprint.

Beyond their tech­ni­cal vir­tu­os­i­ty, the gold­smiths of Odi­ot impress their cre­ations with a sen­si­tiv­i­ty, to give each piece, from a small salt shak­er to a large soup tureen, the sta­tus of a piece of art.