

On the occa­sion of a birth, there is no short­age of gifts, but they do not last for­ev­er … There­fore, gold­smiths’ items have always been prized and appre­ci­at­ed gifts for sev­er­al cen­turies. Thanks to Odi­ot’s “Birth” range, which con­sists of gob­let, nap­kin rings and egg cups, each one more ele­gant than the oth­er, you can offer on the occa­sion of a baby show­er or a bap­tism a time­less gift that will please par­ents, as well as chil­dren, when the time will come. Each of these pieces can be per­son­al­ized by engrav­ing the child’s first name or a dec­o­ra­tion rep­re­sent­ing his or her birth.