Our History

A goldsmith established in 1690

Found­ed in 1690, Odi­ot won his noto­ri­ety dur­ing the reign of Louis XV with Jean Bap­tiste Gas­pard Odi­ot, rec­og­nized as one of the best gold­smiths of his time.

He then became one of the most pres­ti­gious gold­smiths of the 18th cen­tu­ry, with the title of roy­al sup­pli­er, thanks to a unique know-how in the cre­ation of excep­tion­al pieces and cut­lery in pre­cious metals.

Jean-Baptiste Claude Odiot

The Empire and its splen­dors open a page of glo­ry for Odi­ot, under the lead­er­ship of Jean-Bap­tist Claude, grand­son of Jean Bap­tiste Gas­pard, who would see his extra­or­di­nary tal­ent reward­ed by the pres­ti­gious orders of the Emper­or and his fam­i­ly: the scepter and sword of the Rite, the cra­dle of the King of Rome, the immense ser­vices of Madame Mère and Pauline Borgh­ese, the cam­paign ser­vice of the Emperor…

Tableau JBC Odiot Carre
Suite JBC

The pieces of art devel­oped by Odi­ot at that time, marked by the return to the antiq­ui­ty and the very fre­quent use of ver­meil, are undoubt­ed­ly among the most beau­ti­ful cre­ations that French gold­smith­ery has produced.

Odiot’s rep­u­ta­tion crossed the bor­ders of the Empire and opened the doors to all the Courts of Europe.

International recognition

Charles Nico­las Odi­ot was the wor­thy suc­ces­sor of his father and became the offi­cial sup­pli­er to King Louis-Philippe and the Orleans fam­i­ly. He exceled in the return of the Roco­co style. His son Gus­tave became then the gold­smith of the great­est and pow­er­ful fam­i­lies, by car­ry­ing out the largest order that the Mai­son Odi­ot had ever received with no less than three thou­sand cut­leries done for Saïd Pasha, viceroy of Egypt. It was also Gus­tave who obtained the title of Sup­pli­er to the Court of His Impe­r­i­al Majesty the Tsar.

Reconnaissance internationale option
Un orfevre au savoirfaire unique

A goldsmith with unique know-how

Odi­ot is rec­og­nized as an unique gold­smith thanks to the preser­va­tion of excep­tion­al know-how, sup­port­ed by an incom­pa­ra­ble col­lec­tion of molds and draw­ings, built up over the cen­turies, based on its pres­ti­gious orders.

If Odi­ot’s sto­ry is excep­tion­al­ly rich, punc­tu­at­ed by encoun­ters with great fig­ures in his­to­ry, it must first and fore­most be a source of inspi­ra­tion and incite­ment to the inces­sant search for the beautiful