
Upkeep of your cutlery

A reg­u­lar use of your sil­ver­ware, as well as putting it away after use in the cov­ers pro­vid­ed on pur­chase will delay the effects of oxidation.

Before it is first used, we rec­om­mend that you wash your cut­lery by hand in soapy water before it is first used, and then wipe it imme­di­ate­ly with a clean dry soft cloth.

Sil­ver gilt cut­lery must be washed by hand and dried imme­di­ate­ly after­wards, after each use.

You can then wash your sil­ver­ware in a dish­wash­er, pro­vid­ed you fol­low these sim­ple instructions :

Entretien couverts
  • If the dish­wash­er does not start imme­di­ate­ly, rinse the cut­lery which has been in con­tact with acid food such as eggs, vinai­grette, lemon, fruit…
  • Use pow­der deter­gent, nev­er liquid.
  • Wash sil­ver cut­lery sep­a­rate­ly from oth­er cut­lery or oth­er met­al articles.
  • Sep­a­rate the knives from the oth­er cut­lery in the bas­ket, with the blades fac­ing upwards in the basket.
  • As soon as the wash­ing cycle is over, open the dish­wash­er door to let the steam out to pre­vent stains form­ing on the knife blades.

Apart from wash­ing, a good clean with sil­ver clean­ing prod­ucts twice a year is amply sufficient.

Entretien Prestige

Upkeep of masterpieces

Our pieces made in ster­ling sil­ver, ver­meil or bronze should be reg­u­lar­ly dust­ed with a soft cloth. It is bet­ter to keep these pieces away from any mois­ture or heat­ing source.

Over time our pieces will acquire a nat­ur­al pati­na. To extend or revive the bright­ness of your hol­lowware we advise to apply a sil­ver pol­ish on pieces made in ster­ling sil­ver or sil­ver plat­ed bronze, or anoth­er one spe­cial­ly adapt­ed to gold or ver­meil on pieces made in ver­meil or gold plat­ed bronze.

Do not use sil­ver pol­ish on ver­meil pieces.

Our pieces have not orig­i­nal­ly been designed for dis­man­tling. Our craft­per­sons team will take care of any repair if necessary.