Odiot Asian Chopstick

Odi­ot unveils a brand new col­lec­tion of Asian Chop­sticks ini­ti­at­ing a new art of tast­ing. The pre­cise, min­i­mal­ist and ergonom­ic lines make these chop­sticks an ide­al object to serve, taste and enjoy a meal in style. Light and bal­anced, this set of chop­sticks will add a touch of del­i­ca­cy to your tables.

This cut­lery set is avail­able in 3 rare hand-cut wood fin­ish­es: Amourette, Ama­rante and Macas­sar Ebony and in 3 col­ors: sil­ver, gold and rose gold.


Com­ing from Cen­tral and South Amer­i­ca, Ama­ranth is a very dense and durable wood. It is dis­tin­guished by a char­ac­ter­is­tic shade of more or less dark pur­ple. Ama­ranth is an essence of light, mean­ing that its excep­tion­al nat­ur­al col­or does not ful­ly affect its effect until after one or two days of expo­sure to light.


Amourette is a rare and noble wood with a dis­tin­guished look that orig­i­nates from South Amer­i­ca. Its light­ly mot­tled pat­terns make the amourette a unique wood species. In Eng­lish, the amourette is the “snake­wood”, because of its tor­toise­shell patterns.

Macas­sar ebony

Native to Indone­sia, Macas­sar is a pre­cious, almost black wood. It comes from the heart of trees of the ebony fam­i­ly. It is very soft and pleas­ant to the touch, par­tic­u­lar­ly hard and sol­id. It knows his hey­day with fur­ni­ture from the Art Deco period.

Dis­cov­er our asian chop­stick col­lec­tion on our eshop , click here