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  • Odiot : find the secrets of a unique goldsmith’s workshop at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris

Odiot : find the secrets of a unique goldsmith’s workshop at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris

Jean-Bap­tiste-Claude Odi­ot built, dur­ing the first quar­ter of the 19th cen­tu­ry, the most pros­per­ous French gold­smith’s house by deliv­er­ing sump­tu­ous table ser­vices and pres­ti­gious sets such as the toi­let of Empress Marie-Louise and the cra­dle of the King of Rome. Own­ing a piece fine­ly pro­duced by the craftsper­sons of the Mai­son Odi­ot is invit­ing His­to­ry at home as well as hav­ing a taste for beau­ti­ful work. You will rec­og­nize the remark­able qual­i­ty of Odi­ot which remains faith­ful to the excel­lence of tra­di­tion to ensure the trans­mis­sion of the French heritage.

This is why even today Odi­ot per­pet­u­ates what were done by Jean-Bap­tiste Odi­ot sev­er­al cen­turies ago, who decid­ed to donate some mas­ter­pieces to the French State so that they could be used as mod­els by young goldsmiths.

Since its foun­da­tion, Odi­ot has reaf­firmed the preser­va­tion and dif­fu­sion mis­sion ini­ti­at­ed by Jean-Bap­tiste Claude Odi­ot, to con­tin­ue this effort of trans­mis­sion, while pre­serv­ing the cen­tral place of human know-how and to con­tribute to the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of French excellence.

As such, the Muse­um of Dec­o­ra­tive Arts has kept, since 2009, an excep­tion­al col­lec­tion of 33 pieces of gold­smith­ery and 176 orig­i­nal draw­ings from Odi­ot’s work­shop clas­si­fied works of major her­itage inter­est. The draw­ings were unveiled for the first time in March 2017 in an exhi­bi­tion, “Draw­ing gold and sil­ver: Odi­ot gold­smith (1763–1850)”, which con­fronts graph­ic works with art objects by reveal­ing the cre­ation process and the gold­smith’s research.

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it the web­site of the Muse­um of Dec­o­ra­tive Arts, ded­i­cat­ed to this exhi­bi­tion : www.mad-odiot.com