

    Thanks to the many cen­turies-old archives of the Mai­son Odi­ot, the cre­ative stu­dio of J.L Coquet has under­tak­en a major research project inspired by the artis­tic lega­cy of the famous gold­smith. Inspired by the orna­men­tal friezes found on many of the cre­ations, and char­ac­ter­is­tic of the dec­o­ra­tive arts dur­ing the Empire, they were styl­ized to cre­ate a flam­boy­ant, plant-like decor. Thin flo­ral friezes high­light styl­ized pal­mettes, placed above scrolls, com­bin­ing acan­thus leaves and foliage. Between tra­di­tion and moder­ni­ty, each piece of porce­lain, dressed by the rich­ness and inten­si­ty of the decor, plunges you into a bright and lux­u­ri­ant atmosphere.