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  • The “Butterfly” collection, a tribute to Napoleon’s sister

The “Butterfly” collection, a tribute to Napoleon’s sister

Emblem of Pauline, sis­ter of Napoleon 1st, the but­ter­fly is a ref­er­ence to the myths of Greek Antiq­ui­ty and was often used under the Empire in the dec­o­ra­tive arts. But­ter­fly is often rep­re­sent­ed with spread wings. It is the sym­bol of soul and fem­i­nin­i­ty, by per­son­i­fy­ing Psyche.

Vignette papillon odiot

Discover the Pauline’s bowl

The theme of breast cup takes it ori­gin in the ancient Greece, evok­ing the fer­til­i­ty and gen­eros­i­ty of nour­ish­ing land. The one designed by Jean-Bap­tiste-Claude Odi­ot has been made from the breast of Napoleon’s sis­ter Pauline Borghèse, known for her frivolity.

The pres­ence of a but­ter­fly del­i­cate­ly placed on the rim of the cup brings a sen­si­tive note: it is an allu­sion to Psy­che, who rep­re­sents since ancient times the unpre­dictable and fick­le female soul.

This cup is pre­sent­ed as a most refined piece for cham­pagne tast­ing. It can be del­i­cate­ly placed on a fau­na, also pro­duced by the gold­smiths of our work­shop, to dec­o­rate your table with orig­i­nal­i­ty and elegance.

For fur­ther details on this col­lec­tion, click here.

Sein de Pauline et Faune odiot