Discover our sumptuous Biennais lamp
If the history of Odiot is exceptionally rich, with major figures, our expertise is above all the result of inspiration and incitement to the incessant search for perfectly executed work to become a unique case in the world in terms of preserving exceptional know-how, based on an incomparable collection of molds and designs.
An example of this unique know-how is our Biennais lamp. Originally created by Biennais for Napoléon, this lamp was modified at the request of Louis XVIII who wished to see it decorated with symbols of the Monarchy and not those of the Empire.

Production of this masterpiece is a complex process, done by several craftsmen who will work on the same piece. These various steps include:
- Metal spinning ;
- Stamping ;
- Hammering ;
- Chasing / engraving ;
- Assembling ;
- Polishing .
The tripod foot of this lamp is decorated with lion claws and the lampshade is bordered by a fine frieze, enriched with eighteen loves alternately supporting necklaces of the order of the Holy Spirit and the order of Saint-Michel, and surmounted by a double L and the royal crown.
This piece, emblematic of the Maison Odiot, requires more than 150 hours of work and symbolizes the exceptional know-how of our goldsmiths.
Two of these lamps are currently on the desk of the president of French Republic, at Elysée Palais.
Rich in this unique heritage, Odiot continues to write the continuation of this unique epic, perpetuating innovation and transmission, so many key words for a master goldsmith whose name is inscribed on sparkling forms of silver, vermeil and bronze for over three hundred years.