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  • Discover our sumptuous Biennais lamp

Discover our sumptuous Biennais lamp

If the his­to­ry of Odi­ot is excep­tion­al­ly rich, with major fig­ures, our exper­tise is above all the result of inspi­ra­tion and incite­ment to the inces­sant search for per­fect­ly exe­cut­ed work to become a unique case in the world in terms of pre­serv­ing excep­tion­al know-how, based on an incom­pa­ra­ble col­lec­tion of molds and designs.

An exam­ple of this unique know-how is our Bien­nais lamp. Orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed by Bien­nais for Napoléon, this lamp was mod­i­fied at the request of Louis XVIII who wished to see it dec­o­rat­ed with sym­bols of the Monar­chy and not those of the Empire.

lampe biennais zoom

Pro­duc­tion of this mas­ter­piece is a com­plex process, done by sev­er­al crafts­men who will work on the same piece. These var­i­ous steps include:

  • Met­al spinning ;
  • Stamp­ing ;
  • Ham­mer­ing ;
  • Chas­ing / engraving ;
  • Assem­bling ;
  • Pol­ish­ing .

The tri­pod foot of this lamp is dec­o­rat­ed with lion claws and the lamp­shade is bor­dered by a fine frieze, enriched with eigh­teen loves alter­nate­ly sup­port­ing neck­laces of the order of the Holy Spir­it and the order of Saint-Michel, and sur­mount­ed by a dou­ble L and the roy­al crown.

This piece, emblem­at­ic of the Mai­son Odi­ot, requires more than 150 hours of work and sym­bol­izes the excep­tion­al know-how of our goldsmiths.

Two of these lamps are cur­rent­ly on the desk of the pres­i­dent of French Repub­lic, at Elysée Palais.

Rich in this unique her­itage, Odi­ot con­tin­ues to write the con­tin­u­a­tion of this unique epic, per­pet­u­at­ing inno­va­tion and trans­mis­sion, so many key words for a mas­ter gold­smith whose name is inscribed on sparkling forms of sil­ver, ver­meil and bronze for over three hun­dred years.